About Iridium

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Anywhere to EVERYWHERE

As a market leader constantly innovating beyond the traditional bounds of satellite communications, Iridium is advancing the way global enterprises conduct daily mission-critical activities. With a strong track record as an innovator in terms of technology, partnerships and solutions, Iridium offers the only truly global coverage for satellite communications. Iridium is the only company offering customers a guarantee of 100% satisfaction with Iridium service.

Leadership in the industry is reflected through the company’s efforts to proactively address broad emerging markets, such as the machine-to-machine (M2M) market and the two-way, satellite-based location, tracking and messaging market.

Iridium Communications Inc. is a publicly traded company headquartered in McLean,VA. Iridium's mobile voice and data communications solutions, for a wide variety of industries, are supported by the only truly global communications network, with coverage of the entire Earth, including oceans, airways and Polar Regions.

Iridium delivers reliable, near real-time, mission-critical communications services and creates the vital lines of communication that help improve lives, build businesses, and develop new opportunities.

Iridium's constellation - the world's largest commercial satellite constellation - consists of 66 low-earth orbiting (LEO), cross-linked satellites operating as a fully meshed network and supported by multiple in-orbit spares. The Iridium constellation architecture ensures high reliability and low-latency.

Iridium is constantly finding new ways to expand the possible, including our next-generation constellation, Iridium NEXT, which will bring enhanced and entirely new services and capabilities to our customers, and is anticipated to begin launching in 2015.

A Truly Global Operation
Iridium solutions are ideally suited for industries such as maritime, aviation, government/military, emergency/humanitarian services, mining, forestry, oil and gas, heavy equipment, transportation and utilities. Iridium provides service to subscribers from the U.S. Department of Defense, as well as other civil and government agencies around the world. Iridium sells its products, solutions and services through a network of service providers and value-added dealers.

Iridium manages several operations centers, including Tempe, Arizona and Leesburg, Virginia, U.S.A. The U.S. Department of Defense, through its own dedicated gateway, relies on Iridium for global communications capabilities.

Iridium voice services are provided via various handsets and installed communications systems onboard ships, aircraft and land-based vehicles. Iridium's short burst data (SBD) transceiver, incorporated into an ever-increasing number of applications, provides data connections to every corner of the Earth, transferring location information, weather reports, email, or any other data requiring a reliable, global, two-way connection.

Iridium's most rapidly expanding business segment is the machine-to-machine sector, in which the Iridium communications network provides mobile data links for asset tracking and other people and business asset monitoring applications.


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