
Geen passende producten gevonden.

Most people know FedEx as a reliable shipper, committed to getting your package - large or small - to its destination on time. But FedEx is also a technological innovator, a supporter of community and global charities, a dedicated employer and much more. Connecting 90% of the world's GDP with door-to-door, customs-cleared service, all backed by a money-back guarantee.*

* Some restrictions apply. See Terms and Conditions section of the FedEx Service Guide for details

FedEx Saturday Delivery
To have your package delivered on a Saturday, simply:

Indicate Saturday service on your air waybill.
Check the locations that accept packages on Saturday.


Use Saturday Service with:



A nominal fee ($25) applies for Saturday Service. Get a rate quote for your Saturday delivery or consult FedEx Express Rates in the FedEx Service Guide. Saturday Service is not available for FedEx Ground.


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