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Inmarsat isatPhone Pro Firmware Upgrade Instructions
Firmware upgrades are pushed out by the hardware manufacturer. They are released every couple of years but are not always mandatory. Once a phone is outdated by a few versions it will have issues connecting.

The update is done off of a PC using a micro USB cable (there should have been one included with the phones at purchase but this cable is the same as what most cell phones currently use to charge).

Please keep in mind, there has not been a release of these drivers for windows 8. Windows 10 is not yet confirmed. You will need a windows vista, XP, or windows 7 machine to properly run this update.

You will need three things to upgrade the firmware:
The firmware (V5.11.0)
The Upgrade tool (This is used to push the firmware to the phone)
The USB drivers (What allows your computer to recognize the phone as a device)
1. Extract the IsatPhone_Pro_firmware_version_5_11_0.zip and remember the location on your computer.
2. Extract the FirmwareUpgradeTool and remember the location on your computer.
3. Extract the IsatPhone_Usb_Drivers and remember the location on your computer.
4. Run “Setup” from the location you extracted the drivers to.
5. Once the drivers are installed, connect your IsatPhone Pro to the PC with the micro USB cable.
6. Run FirmwareUpgradeTool from the location you extracted it to.
7. Complete the installation of the FirmwareUpgradeTool
8. Run the FirmwareUpgradeTool from the location it was installed on your PC.
9. Using the small blue icon next to the empty box, navigate to where you extracted the prod-build-v5.11.0-DFU and select it.
10. Click next. On this page you should see that the upgrade tool has detected your IsatPhone Pro
11. Click “Start Upgrade” and wait for upgrade to complete.
Your IsatPhone Pro should now have the most current version of the firmware installed. This should not impact any personal data stored on the device. 

Download IsatPhone Pro firmware V5.11.0

IsatPhone Pro Firmware 5.11.0 release note

Download IsatPhone Pro Firmware Upgrade Tool 

Download PDF on how to upgrade your IsatPhone Pro

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