Iridium Certus Land Mobile
Iridium Certus extends the reach of terrestrial and cellular infrastructure like never before with truly mobile communications capabilities ideal for critical connectivity needs anywhere on the planet. With a range of data speed available and a robustly designed terminal, Iridium Certus provides a reliable connection for voice, data, satellite internet, Land Mobile Radio (LMR) and location-based applications. With Iridium Certus, customers can control costs by eliminating the need to deploy expensive ground-based infrastructure or large, expensive directional terminals that rely upon geostationary satellites.
- Irídio VAI! Adaptador WiFi Executivo para Smartphone1 463,31 € 1 463,31 €
- Antena ativa Thales MissionLINK (BAA) 1600899-14 412,45 € 4 412,45 €
Iridium Certus® sets the new standard for remote communications and connectivity for enterprises, governments, and individuals. Users can extend their use of mobile networks into remote areas, without having to deploy ground-based infrastructure or expensive terminals. Iridium Certus® integrates with Internet, cellular, Land Mobile Radio, and location-based applications, providing an unmatched network of industry-leading terminals and service solutions that keep you connected anywhere on the planet.
Iridium Certus Land Services Overview