Inmarsat GX Aviation
The passenger experience is being redefined, thanks to the world’s first global, high-speed Ka-band broadband service from a single, trusted operator.

Offering consistent, reliable, high-quality Wi-Fi with unrivalled capacity across worldwide flight routes, find out why GX Aviation is your shortcut to the airline services of tomorrow.

A new world of passenger experience
Seamless high-speed broadband connectivity in the sky gives commercial aviation customers the opportunity to launch unique passenger experiences. GX Aviation takes airlines beyond inflight internet to streamed entertainment and dynamic e-commerce, targeted content and a personalised service.

Worldwide Wi-Fi, no drop-outs
GX Aviation offers uninterrupted high-speed Wi-Fi worldwide – powered by Global Xpress, the world’s only global Ka-band satellite network, owned and operated exclusively by Inmarsat. Global Xpress replaces the makeshift patchwork of Ku-band services that have not met the high standard of reliability for passengers and the aviation industry needs. Consistent performance, with no drop-outs between satellite beams, means broadband in the air works as well as it does on the ground.

Built for aviation
Unlike other solutions, GX Aviation is a bespoke build that meets the needs of airlines and their passengers today – the result of Inmarsat’s unmatched experience as a connectivity service provider to leading airlines worldwide.

Highly efficient Ka-band spot beams provide a robust layer of global coverage designed specifically to serve a mobile audience cruising at 35,000 feet. GX Aviation’s steerable beams also offer the flexibility to add and redirect capacity precisely where it’s needed most, across the busiest hubs and traffic hotspots.

As demand grows, so will our capacity. GX Aviation offers upgradeable bandwidth to adapt to changing requirements and maximise capital investment. It’s part of Inmarsat’s commitment to continuous improvement in network performance, bandwidth economics and the services and applications that will set our customers apart from the competition.

With confirmed investment in eight future satellite launches (GX5, GX6A, GX6B, GX7, GX8, GX9, GX10A and 10B), innovative new networks and advanced onboard terminals, this is technology you can rely on now, and in the future.

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