
Satellittelefon: Global kommunikation överallt
En satellittelefon ger tillförlitlig röst- och datakommunikation på platser där markbundna nätverk är otillgängliga eller opålitliga. Perfekt för resenärer, äventyrare och distansarbetare, ger satellittelefoner trygghet och uppkoppling i de mest utmanande miljöer.



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  1. Thuraya XT PRO satellittelefon + gratis frakt
    Thuraya XT PRO satellittelefon
    1 037,31 € 1 037,31 €
  2. ICOM IC-SAT100 PTT satellitradio
    ICOM IC-SAT100 PTT satellitradio
    1 537,12 € 1 537,12 €
  3. Beam IntelliDOCK 9555 - Bluetooth-dockningsstationspaket (9555ID-SB)
    Beam PotsDOCK 9555 Bundle (9555PD-SB)
    Sale Price: 1 352,46 € 1 352,46 €
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Satellittelefon: Din livslina till global kommunikation

I dagens alltmer uppkopplade värld är tillförlitlig kommunikation avgörande, även i de mest avlägsna och utmanande miljöer. Satellittelefoner erbjuder en livslina för kommunikation genom att utnyttja satellitteknik för att ansluta användare till det globala telekommunikationsnätet.

Varför välja en satellittelefon?

  • Global täckning: Håll kontakten över kontinenter, hav och även i de mest avlägsna regioner med begränsad eller ingen markbunden täckning.
  • Pålitlig kommunikation: Upplev tydliga röstsamtal, tillförlitlig dataöverföring och sömlösa meddelanden, även under svåra förhållanden som extremt väder och svår terräng.
  • Nödberededskap: Använd nödknappar och nödlarm för trygghet i alla situationer.
  • Distansarbete & affärer: Håll kontakten med ditt team, kunder och viktig information medan du arbetar på distans eller reser i tjänsten.
  • Äventyrsresor: Fånga och dela dina äventyr, håll kontakten med nära och kära och få tillgång till viktig information medan du utforskar avlägsna destinationer.

Huvudfunktioner hos satellittelefoner:

  • Röstsamtal: Ring och ta emot röstsamtal globalt.
  • Datatjänster: Få tillgång till datatjänster som e-post, meddelanden och begränsad webbläsning.
  • SMS-meddelanden: Skicka och ta emot textmeddelanden.
  • GPS-spårning: Många satellittelefoner inkluderar GPS-spårningsfunktioner.
  • Nödfunktioner: Använd nödlarm och nödsignaler för att kontakta räddningstjänsten.
  • Robusthet: Utformad för att tåla tuffa miljöer och utmanande förhållanden.

Användningsområden för satellittelefoner:

  • Resor & äventyr: Vandring, camping, bergsklättring, segling, andra utomhusaktiviteter.
  • Distansarbete: Arbeta på distans från avlägsna platser som stugor, campingplatser och fjärrkontor.
  • Nödinsatser: Sök- och räddningsinsatser, katastrofhjälp och nödkommunikation.
  • Sjöfart: Kommunikation mellan fartyg, sjösäkerhet och offshore-verksamhet.
  • Luftfart: Kommunikation under flygning, nödkommunikation och flygspårning.

Val av satellittelefon:

  • Utvärdera dina behov: Bestäm dina förväntade användningsområden och användningsmönster.
  • Jämför leverantörer och planer: Undersök olika satellittelefonleverantörer och jämför deras täckning, priser och funktioner.
  • Tänk på din budget: Välj en plan som passar din budget och ger de nödvändiga funktionerna för dina behov.
  • Välj en kompatibel enhet: Välj en satellittelefon som är kompatibel med din valda leverantör och uppfyller dina specifika krav.

Satellittelefoner erbjuder en livslina för kommunikation i avlägsna och utmanande miljöer. Genom att välja rätt satellittelefon och plan kan du hålla kontakten och vara förberedd på alla situationer.

Category Questions

The USB port on 9555's and 9575's is intended for Firmware upgrades and tethering only. Though the charge symbol flashes when plugged in, the power gain is minimal. 

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There are several ways to track satellite phones. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a San Francisco nonprofit, has written about the potential risks journalists face when using satellite phones for reporting. Some satellite phones can be tracked using radio frequency emissions, which are easily received by a trained technician. Another method is to use a tracking device, such as an Iridium Extreme, to send position reports on a scheduled basis. In order to track a satellite phone, the phone must be powered on and registered with the network.

The technology for tracking a satellite phone is fairly accurate. It looks at the world from space and combines the signals of cell towers and other devices to determine the exact location of the device. However, consumer-grade tracking devices are rarely accurate enough to pinpoint the exact location of the phone to within a few inches. They're often off by 32 to 98 feet, or 10 to 30 meters, or as much as 164 feet. The professional-grade trackers are more reliable.

The accuracy of satellite-based tracking depends on several factors. Because of the large number of users and different types of phones, not all phones are capable of being tracked by satellite. For example, some cellular phones don't have the hardware to track by a satphone, while Treo and BlackBerry are popular brands that can be tracked by satellite. In addition to the limitations of a satellite-based tracking device, smartphones without a trilateration chip rely on WiFi and cell towers to get the location.

Although the technology used to track satellite phones is fairly accurate, it is rarely accurate enough to pinpoint a phone's position to a few inches. The most accurate consumer-grade trackers are about 32 to 98 feet off, and as high as 164 feet. Military and professional-grade trackers generally perform better. They do not require the assistance of a third-party. If you have a smartphone, satellite phone tracking may be a great option.

As long as a satellite phone is within range of a GPS tower, you can use a satellite phone tracker to track its owner. Most consumer-grade trackers work in countries around the world, but they are not very accurate. These devices must be placed where they can be seen. In addition, they can also be used to monitor an individual's location in a foreign country. They work by a line of sight.

As long as a phone is within the range of the satellite, the device will be able to track the user. The technology is very accurate. Some consumer-grade trackers can trace the user's location to within an inch. If a satellite phone is within range of a cellular tower, the tracking service is more accurate than the cellular tower. Some smartphones have the hardware necessary to be tracked by satellite.

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There are three main satellite phone providers. Globalstar, Iridium, and Inmarsat cover the largest areas and offer 100 percent coverage. Each provider has its own strengths and weaknesses, but they all have their advantages. Ultimately, it comes down to what you need from your phone. Listed below are some of the features that each provider has to offer. Read on to discover which one is best for your needs.

For people who live far from the nearest land, the best satellite phone provider is Iridium. The company is the only one that makes phones that can function in the polar regions. Their phones are more advanced and have better features. Some users prefer Iridium because of its low price and high-quality service. If you're looking for a quality sat phone, Iridium is your best bet.

You should also consider the cost of calling a satellite phone. Most providers provide only US and Canada-based phone numbers. If you want to talk to friends and family in the US, Iridium is the best choice. Besides offering high-quality phones, they also offer a range of features, including a GPS receiver. For people who live in the polar regions, Iridium is the best choice.

Choosing a satellite phone provider is an important decision. Different providers have different pricing plans and features. Depending on your budget, you can choose from a monthly, annual, or lifetime plan. VoIP is more affordable if you have reliable internet connection. However, satellite phones are a better option for people who need to be mobile but cannot always stay connected to a network. It is possible to call an operator and get help if your service doesn't work properly.

A satellite phone can cost a few dollars a month to several hundred dollars. Depending on the type of device, the equipment costs vary. If you are traveling to remote areas, you can choose the most reliable satellite phone based on its location. But you should also consider whether you need a feature that isn't available in your country. If you don't want to spend a lot of money, consider switching to another provider.

There are two main types of satellite phones. You can choose the one that offers the highest quality and lowest price. A monthly plan can be costly, and a monthly plan can be an option you may not be able to afford. Generally, you should choose a satellite phone that allows you to make calls from a remote area. If you're traveling to remote locations, you should choose a prepaid plan.

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A satellite phone is a type of mobile device that offers a reliable connection around the world. These phones are especially useful in remote areas, when terrestrial coverage isn't available. There are many benefits of having a satellite phones, and the convenience and functionality is worth the price. Satellite phones can help save lives in emergency situations and disasters. They are very easy to use, and are an excellent tool for coordinating relief efforts. ... Read more

The psuedo country code for Iridium phones is 8816, Inmarsat is 8788. It is an international formated dialing pattern and if you call the sat phone from a conventional line you will be billed for international calling. The location of the handset at the time of the call is not a  determining factor. 

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